Soul Work Sessions

Discovering and listening to your inner self requires unlearning cultural conditioning and old internalized beliefs, and trusting your own path, pace and wisdom. It requires listening to your body and psyche and honoring your deepest needs, values and limits.

During the sessions we build a relationship between the body and the mind. Listening carefully to what your body is wanting to tell you so you can move forward. My responsibility is to hold space for your own unfolding.

I gently and intuitively guide you back to your body and together we start paying attention to where in your body you are hold tensions and discomforts.

This process can help you:
​ ​

Prioritize your inner-self & soul without guilt or shame​​

Quiet critical voices of perfectionism or over-achieving​​​​

Shift patterns of people pleasing & emotional caretaking ​

Grow your self-trust & self-compassion

Slow down & live your natural rhythm

Embrace vulnerability & uncertainty​

Explore & deepen your spirituality

Cultivate more depth & connection in relationship ​​​​​

Connect w/ your healthy feminine & masculine 

No two sessions will look alike because each person is unique — even from one session to the next! We’ll work together to peel back the layers so we can reveal your opportunity to heal.

Unlike typical massage bodywork, these sessions are conducted fully clothed.

Unlike traditional therapy or coaching, this process doesn't attempt to fix or cure. Rather, it is a process of shedding what is not really you, so you can become more yourself.

I ask for a commitment of at least 5 sessions appointment.


Soul Work Sessions - 60 minutes - $100


A Ways Spiritual Accompaniment Helps People:

  • Restores trust in your own inner guidance system and wisdom.

  • Encourages you to pause, check in, and make decisions that resonate with your deepest values and desires.

  • Deepens your relationship to self, other, world and the More that carries us, accompanies us, and is woven through it all.

  • Supports you as you explore the deeper mysteries of life, meaning, and purpose.

  • Holds you in safety and supports you as you heal from emotional and spiritual wounds.


About Focusing:

Focusing is an inner listening process that is body-oriented.

It taps us into a more “whole” way of knowing that is empowering and creative.

Some reasons people seek Focusing Sessions are to:

  • be held in the safe, compassionate accompaniment of someone who is fully present, listens without judgement and does not give unasked for advice as you engage in your inner work

  • access one’s own innate creativity and wisdom

  • as an adjunct to therapy

  • gain clarity and insight into a life situation, relationship, or problem

  • experience the release of tension that the Focusing process can bring

  • discover fresh new life-forward steps

  • cultivate the capacity to be fully present to anything

  • enhance our ability to listen within, to others, and to the larger world around us

How Focusing Differs From Other Modalities:

Focusing is different from psychotherapy. The guide does not analyze, interpret, diagnose, or label. You are in control of what you choose to focus on, the level you choose to share and the pace at which you go.

It is different from professional life coaching.  The guide offers gentle invitations and suggestions to help you to stay present to your own process.You identify what needs the most attention.  There is no advice from the guide and there is no co-created plan of action.

It is different from just talking to a friend.  The guide is fully present and non-judgmental in a way that offers complete safety yet with the same level of deep caring.

It is different from guided meditation.  There is a responsiveness and companioning that goes beyond what Yoga Nidra or other meditative practices offer.


Relational Somatics Healing:

Relational Somatics is about relationship. The relationship between the therapist and client is seen as a primary healing tool. Trauma happens most often in the relational field, and it is here where we can find great healing.

Relational Somatics takes us deeper into what has heart and meaning within the relational field, and deeper into partnership with our own inner healer.

Somatic means dealing with the body. Relational Somatic Healing is an integrated approach to counselling that addresses body, mind and spirit. In a relational somatic counselling session, emphasis is placed on the relationship between myself and the client. Human beings are relational at their core.



“no recovery from trauma is possible without attending to issues of safety, care for the self, reparative connections to other human beings, and a renewed faith in the universe. The therapist's job is not just to be a witness to this process but to teach the patient how.”
Janina Fisher

“It’s about trust.

Trusting that your body knows what to do. It made itself, whatever it is and whoever you are.

Nobody else knows what’s going on

The way you do.”

Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

"The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination."

Carl Rogers

A life truly lived constantly burns away veils of illusion, burns away what is no longer relevant, gradually reveals our essence, until, at last, we are strong enough to stand in our naked truth.

Marion Woodman