Hi! My name is Danuza and I dedicate my life to search for knowledge and experiences that can help me to understand the meaning behind everything and how we can make life more harmonious for all beings that inhabit the earth.

I am 39 years old woman from Brasil, and since 2004 I have been living in San Diego, California.

I work with individuals to help heal pain in the body, mind, emotions, relational and energetic levels. The human condition is somatic and relational, both inside and out. In healing, we begin where you are with what is currently presenting. From there we begin the emergent and unraveling of the root causes. Together, we help you discover your blocks or missing pieces and work with your unique body wisdom to find your expression of wholeness and vital living.

When it all started….

I believe it all started by being a sensitive child. I grew up by my grandparents house and I spent a lot of time observing my grandparents way of living. I felt save with them while my parents were working hard to provide a good life for me and my older sister. When I was around 11 years old, we had to move to another city and during that transition, I developed a severe eating disorder. I wanted answers for my discomforts and struggles and my mom took me to many types of healing (massage, reiki, psychotherapy, psychiatry, healer, priests) It required a lot of patience, humbleness and courage to look within, to reset deep rooted beliefs, values, patterns, attitudes behaviors not only mine but from our social way of living. I am still searching and each year I am able to surrender a little more so love can heal and I can be my authentic self.

I am a woman, a seeker, a mystic, a lover, an artist. My mission is to bring healing traditions to modern life so we can feel more integrated. After I became a doula and went through my own fertility journey, I rediscover my femininity and since then I love empowering women to rediscover their own authentic individual femininity and spirituality. I am here to serve whoever is seeking to reconnect to their true essence, strengthen their identity and align their existential purpose.

I believe in miracles and in mysteries of life, as well as the capacity for transformation, human growth and awakening the inherent latent potentials of one's true Being.

My passion is to learn the holistic way to heath, happiness and harmony. The holistic way of seeing life through the hidden eyes of existence.

I am a peregrine and I have traveled to several sacred places of power around the world in search for ancient wisdom.

I studied many religions and traditions and I respect them all.

Together we explore the journey of your soul. Sewing and integrating piece by piece so you can be touched by love.

A little more about my spiritual journey…

I am originally from South Brazil, from a small German city called Brusque. From a very early age I started participating in spiritual retreats and workshops. When I was 21 years old I moved to San Diego, California. I found a sufi group that I am still part of and I was honored to have met my guide– Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal and he named me JamilaJamila is my spiritual name. It means beauty, grace, the garden of divine beauty. I follow his teachings by reading his sacred books. I am a current student at the University of Spiritual healing and Sufism.

About 18 years ago, life gifted me my dearest friend and teacher, Tara Johansson. Tara introduce me to the Sacred Feminine. She still guides me as a spiritual coach and teacher in the most pure way and  I am so honored to have her in my life.

I intent to keep working on myself to learn about the many layers of my own being.   I am truly honored to have met each one of my teachers and their knowledge live through me and it is my responsibility to pass on with respect and humbleness. 


I started my carrier as a Bodyworker. I touched thousands and thousands of bodies for 15 years. By studying the body and the mind, I found out that the body is the vehicle for awakening and transformation. What we can’t see and fell it in the conscious level  about ourselves gets stored in the body. It is like a slip of body and the mind because of the automatic society we live in. With this slip, the body creates tensions and stress. Together we explore the body and the mind to unify, to accept , to own it, to create spaces within the body beyond right or wrong.

When I am not working…

I love spending quality time with my husband, being out in nature both alone and with the people I love. I love doing my spiritual practices in the morning and night. I enjoy going for walks and practicing yoga. I also like learning and crafting with herbs. I like gardening, painting and working on the wheel with clay. I love traveling and new adventures.

Curriculum :

Bachelors Degree in Business Administration (National University)

Holistic Health Practitioner, Specialization in Relational Somatics (1100 hours - International Profession School of Bodyworkers - IPSB)

Certified Birth Doula ( Bini Birth / Ana Paula Markel - Dona International Certification)

Postpartum Doula (Nurturing Doula dreams / Ann Grauer - DONA International)

Placenta Encapsulation Specialist

Certified Spiritual Healer ( Level 2 - University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism)

Certified Focusing Therapy (level 1,2,3,and 4) Eugene Glendlin Method

Certified Meditation Coach and Teacher (500 hours - Sura Flow)

Rebirth Breathwork, Introduction Family Constellation, Moon Mother, Sacred Feminine, Vibrational Medicines (Natural Medicine Alma da Terra)

Certified Massage Therapist

Certified Level 2 Applied MLD (Dr. Vodder Academy/School – International)

Certified Esthetician

Yoga Instructor RYT200 (200 hours - Pilgrimage of the heart yoga)

Reiki Level II

I look forward to meeting and learning more about YOU!    

“There is nothing to do. Open and let go. Surrender. Allow it to happen. Yes, nothing to do. Just be. And flow with the process. The inner power.”

— Frederick Leboyer