The Womb Healing – female energy balancing is designed to counteract the effects of modern life

This 1:1 healing sessions is a way of purification and unification with your womb. I gentle guide you to be in contact with your womb area - this energetic, sacred space within you that has the power to transform, to hold you in safety and trust. I use coaching techniques to clear what is in there that is not serving you anymore and to acknowledge any discomfort and fears. After, I offer a hands on work. Fully clothed on the massage table I bless your beautiful womb with energy healing techniques and prayers.

There is a lineage of women who freed themselves from suffering. This lineage of women wants us to remember: "The womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life."

Womb Healings can be received:

  •  At any time when a woman wishes to restore her energies and well-being.

  • To help a woman to strengthen, clear and harmonize her cycle energies in order to be able to open more fully

  • Wash out stuck emotional energies

  • Empower Yourself

  • Align to your divine feminine energy

  • Connect to the powers of creation and abundance

  • Prepare womb for conception

Womb Healings are for all women, even those who do not have a physical womb or a cycle. These women still have the womb energy center and this center contains their creative energies, feminine spirit and ability to connect through intimacy and emotions.


Womb Blessings - 90 minutes - $200
